Modernization of medical education -priority of medical tourism development. Medical tourism: political, social-economical, educational and medical problems, 2016
Recommendations for using of various local anesthetics in patients of the risk-group I International dental congress “Georgia-Ukraine” II, 2013
Scientific projects:
Project of individual doctoral program „Influence of fixed and removable orthodontic appliances on the root resorbtion- Comparative Analysis -”, Tbilisi State Medical University, 2021
Published studies:
Immunohistochemical study of gingival epithelium in wound healing dynamics, Experimental and clinical medicine, Tbilisi, 2020
Investigation of the role of Helicobacter Pylori in the Etiopathogenesis of current Aphthous Stomatitis. . European Scientific Journal. 2017.
Medical tourism: political, social-economical, educational and medical problems, . Gr.Robakidze University, Matsne, 2017.
Handbook “ Local Anesthesia in ambulatory dentistry, 2013
Investigation of the Role of Helicobacter Pylori in the Etiopathogenesis of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis,5th Euasian Multidisciplinary Forum, EMF,Proceedings of 5th Eurasian Multidisciplinary Forum. 2016;
Main aspects of dental treatment of pregnant patients , Gr.Robakidze university Matsne”, Medicine, #1, 2016
Risk factors while performing local anesthesia in dental practice, 3rd Euasian Multidisciplinary Forum, EMF, Proceedings of 3rd Eurasian Multidisciplinary Forum. 2015;
Selection features of local anesthetics for risk-group patients, GSA News,2013, #15
Analysis of hemodynamic features of local anesthetics, საქ. მეცნ. ეროვნ. აკად. მაცნე, ბიომედ, სერია , 2012, ტ.38, #1-2.
Effects of Articaine and Lidocaine with adrenaline on development of cerebral seizures, Georgian Medical News,2006,5(134)132-134,
Comparative Analysis of Articaine and Lidocaine effects, საქ. მეცნ. ეროვნ. აკად. მაცნე, ბიომედ, სერია 2005, #6, ტომი 31, 935-942,
The role of Nitric Oxide on the local anesthesia induced gum hemodynamic chances. საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის ნაცნე, ბიოლოგიის სერია, 2005, #3, ტომი 32, 667-687,
Recommendations for using of various local anesthetics in patients of the risk-group. Georgian Medical News,2004,1(106)51-58,
Professional development
Агата Тшаска. Коффердам-абсолютная изоляция, 2021
С.Радлинский.Контролб оклюзии в системном восстановлении зубов, 2021
Medical tourism: political, social-economical, educational and medical problems, 2016
Methodology of medical education -Postgraduate and permanent medical education institute, 2016;
3rd Eurasian Multidisciplinary Forum,EMF 2015;
International dental congress “Georgia-Ukraine” II, 2013-2014
Styleitaliano-”Initial course on ENDO Treatment”, 2017
Dental congress of Georgian Dentist Association, 2013;
Dental congress of Georgian Dentist Association 2012;
Review on T.Ordenidze PHD study ” Impact of stress in periodontal tussues child and adolescent”, 2021
Review on textbook of M.Mamaladze, L.Sanodze, ”Operative Odontology”, Second edition, 2020
Review on O.Vadachkoria PHD study ” Influence of different methods of root canal preparation and obturation on the efficiency of enndodontic treatment”, 2020
Review on Tbilisi State University – Dental School , One Step Educational Program For Dental Medicine, 2019
Review on the protocol ”Manegment and Prophylaxis of periodontal deseases”, Prof N,Abashidze, Prof.M.Iverieli, 2019
Review on styding program of prof.O.Gerzmava- ” სტომატოლოგიური პროფილის სტაციონარული დაწესებულების სტაციონარულ სერვისზე პასუხისმგებელი პირის – კლინიკური მენეჯერის გადამზადების კურსი”, თბილისი 2017
Review on E.Beshkenadze PhD study ”Features of thooth root canal sistem morfology in the georgian opulation ”, 2015
Nowadays research interests
Influence of fixed and removable orthodontic appliances on the root resorbtion.
Management of Orofacial Pain.
Membership with public organizations
Member of Georgian Dentist Association, since 2005
Member of Dental Professional Association, since 2012